SEO and content: A winning combination

Vector Illustration of content marketing strategy improving brand visibility and business.

It is a well-known fact that SEO and content are dependent on each other. They are interconnected and complement each other. Without proper Search Engine Optimization, content can go unnoticed and the website will be pushed to bad rankings. Without good quality content, there will not be any benefit of SEO, thus leading to poor traffic and rankings.  Digital SEO, the most prominent digital marketing services in Coimbatore gives tips on writing SEO-oriented content and the key elements of quality content that can boost the rankings of a website.

Content- writing tips from a digital marketing company in Coimbatore

Content is king. But what can be done to make it reign supreme with SEO? Here’s how it can be done. 
  • Target the audience.
Before embarking on an article for the website, writers must know their target audience. Content writing aimlessly will not appeal to the audience, especially if they do get fresh information or clarification they are looking for. Reader interest is a valuable parameter that can be earned easily if writers stick to dealing with an interesting topic that is industry related. There are no hard and fast rules that the content must be only about the products and services of that particular business or company. All readers want is easy-to-read, understandable, informative content. Delivering just that is the first step. 
  • Create irresistible headlines
A headline should be good enough to tempt users to click through and read the content. Keyword-enriched headlines have the potential to make an impact on the audience. That is why this short text needs a lot of thought and effort. Another important gateway to the content is the meta description. It should aptly convey what the full content has in store for the reader. In every search, it is the title and the meta description that is first seen by the reader. Hence, writers must know how to craft the perfect title. 
  • Do not forget keywords
Knowing how to use keywords for SEO content is an art. There can never be too much or nothing of it. Proper keyword research will give writers the most relevant and often used keywords related to a search. The most effective keywords are long-tail keywords that consist of 3-5 words. Search engines prefer content that has sparing usage of keywords. Google penalizes pages that are keyword stuffed. The trick is to find the fine balance that seasoned writers are familiar with. 
  • Incorporate visual appeal
A picture can speak a thousand words, and this is very true in the case of SEO content. An eye-catching image that is relevant to the content can easily draw people towards the page and make them go through the content, click on the links, etc. The possibilities are endless with having the right image along with the content. 
  • Wield the power of social media 
Social media is a powerful, indispensable tool and to not harness that power is a big mistake. Social media platforms allow marketers to cast their net far and wide and when done right, the effort reaps rich dividends. Posting new articles with compelling descriptions and action-evoking CTAs will bring invaluable traffic. 
  • Building strong backlinks
Link building is a parameter that all search engines score on. Google has a high preference for content that has additional resources that are relevant to the topic of discussion. Enhancing the content with infographics, videos and adding an embedded code helps to add a link back to the source. 
  • Use Google Analytics 
The last but most vital point is to monitor all the activity through Google Analytics. This is the most effective way to keep track of page views, bounce rate, user interaction, and the time users spend on a page. Google Analytics delivers reliable metrics that show if the content style is worth following or not.

Digital SEO: The premier digital marketing company in Coimbator

To deliver both SEO and content, you need a digital marketing company like Digital SEO to handle it with expertise and experience. Digital SEO is the leading SEO company in Coimbatore with close to a decade of experience in this domain.

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